Staff Favourite Plants

John's favourite plant is Nandina Domestica

John's favourite plant is Nandina Domestica

John's favourite plant is Nandina Domestica My favourite plant right now is Nandina Domestica. Aka The Sacred Bamboo. It’s an Asian shrub, not technically a bamboo but it does have...

John's favourite plant is Nandina Domestica

John's favourite plant is Nandina Domestica My favourite plant right now is Nandina Domestica. Aka The Sacred Bamboo. It’s an Asian shrub, not technically a bamboo but it does have...

Kevin's favourite plant is Camelia

Kevin's favourite plant is Camelia

My favorite plant is Camelia - it flowers early in the spring and provides stunning colour splash for your garden.

Kevin's favourite plant is Camelia

My favorite plant is Camelia - it flowers early in the spring and provides stunning colour splash for your garden.

Ruta's favourite plant is Agave

Ruta's favourite plant is Agave

My favourite plant is Agave. Such an understated plant - Agave can go weeks if not months without water (ideal plant for those who forget to water their plants)

Ruta's favourite plant is Agave

My favourite plant is Agave. Such an understated plant - Agave can go weeks if not months without water (ideal plant for those who forget to water their plants)